Council Hall, Jany 20th 1836
To the Acting Govr-
The advisory committee arc of opinion that three hundred dollars should be placed in the hands of Andrew Ponton, of Gonzales, subject to the orders of the Govt contractor at that place, for purchase of supplies for the garrison at Bexar, to be accom- panied with the proper instructions from the executive-We therefore advise that the sum of three hundred dollars, be drawn for, in the legal form, for the above objects- D. C. Barrett J. D. Clements Advisory Committee E Collard Alexr Thomson Approved January 20th 1836 G. A. Pattil.lo James W. Robinson Acting Governor Edw. B. Wood Sccty to the Executive
To the Committee of Finance-You will please draw for the
within amount from the contingent fund
D. C. Barrett J. D. Clements Alexr .Thomson G. A. Pattillo E Collard
In accordance with the Resolution passed by the General Council and approved by the acting Governor on the 17th of January A D 1836 together with the foregoing instructions of the Advisory Committee and the acting Governor-The Committee on Finance do hereby authorize and instruct J W Moody Auditor to draw on the Treasury for Three hundred Dollars in favor of the Chairman of Committee of Committee [sic] of finance to be placed by him in the hands of Andrew Ponton of Gonzales for the purposes stated, to be drawn out of the Contingent fund San Felipe de Austin 20th Jany 1836 Wyatt Hanks Comty John McMullen John Malone J B Tucker
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