Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

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I a 11 d. Severn I heavy arnw1 " Car---------- and Vera Crm~-(;cnl. ~a11l,11ia war--dayly cxprcll·d al ~lalamoros &c . . . We have aulhoriscd Col Tho. IL Ow111g~ ol K1·11l11cky lo t- rai~ arms and equip a co. or voh1111«·1·rs for lite ~crvic·c or Texas, nol lo rxcr.rd fiflecn hundred 111e11 lo he i11 Texas l,y March nrxl.-Thr expenses of arming, cq11ipi111!, 1..'<l tra11:-porl i11~ arc lo hr. refund,·d after lhe close of lhc war-we~ have n·q11e1-ilr.d him lo corrrspond with you on the s11bjcct-a11rl I ltercwilh indosc· a copy of our lrttrr to him-we have inlrocl11ccd him lo lhe Genl. t\junl Wm Bryan. wilh whom he will eom·spond-wc· rccorn mend that you kr,·p lhc gnl agent informed rc·gularly cvny week or every thing r,aleulatrd lo promote our eoars,· Iha! he may publish it- Rcspl &c S. F. Austin B. T. Archer- P. S. we rnclosc a copy of our instruct ions lo A. .J. Ya Les a citizen of Texas. lo proceed immediately lo lhc cily or N. York for the purpose of purchasing an armed steam vessel suited to defend our coasts & harbors. She ---- a vessel) will lw of the II tmosl importance and probably our funds could not he better spent. The independent position which it is expected & I hope Texas will assume in a short time, renders it necessary that the most acli\'r & efficient preparations he made lo sustain that position. and never recede one skp nor orw inch in our march-That Texas ought to declare independence at the next com·cnlion wr have no doubt, as we have lwrl'!oforc written in our former dispatch-In this opinion the commissioners are all united We therefore hope that our measures adopted here lo sustain that declaration will be approve'.«! of hy lhc Govt. and by our fellow Citizens.

S.F.A B. T. A-


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