Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

\Ve have appointed ~Ir. Wm Bryan tlie gen. agent of the govt. in this city, and Edward llall purchasing agent, which of ll1cir appointme11ts are inclosed- Mr Bryan has accepted for the govt. to a considerable amt. as will appear by his account, at four and six months, in anticipation of the instalments which arc to be paid on the first loan, you will therefore perceive at once the great importance of dispach in ratifying that loan, and having the corresponding notice given, so that the instalments may become due as soon as possible; for should the funds not be provided lo pay Bryan's acceptances, and tliey should lay over or be protested it will ruin the credit of our country Enclosed is an accou11t of the rccepts and disbursements which have passed through our hands, by which you will percicve the sums paid to the Quarter i\lastcr A. Houston lite Adjt. Genl. J. A. Wharton, and lo Capt. Jerry Brown & purser------- of the Schooner Liberty- A considerable portion of the purchases were made by some of these officers without the intervention of the gen. agent which has caused some confusion in the manner of doing the business, & some of it owing Lo the want of a proper knowledge of the market,-To avoid a recurrence of similar things in future, it would perhaps be best that all the purchases and business of the govt. relative to expenditures in this city be done through the gent. agent, The Schooner Liberty has been expensive, and examination into her accounts may be necessary-A very ------ scrutiny and examination into the accounts of public agents is indispensably necessary, and a strict accountability should be eslablisl,ed. If this is not done in the commencement of our financial operations, carelessness, confusion, and waste, and perhaps fraud will creep into the treasury department. which will totally destroy aJI confidence and credit & ruin our cause. We have purchased the Schooner Ingham, later renamed cutter, and She is fitting out by the Genl. agcnl. under the superintendence of Cap Hawkins, who is lo command her Our colleague W. H. Wharton left on the 17 for Nashville-we have been detained to close the second loan and complete the other business, but expect to leave tomorrow-


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