Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

· · r T ou ma)' feel disposed to give and proper authonlles o cxas as Y me. I remain with sentiments of the highest Respect Your Obt. Servant, A.J. Yates (1847) [ALLEN to AUSTIN ET AL] [J.M. Allen to Stephen F. Austin, Branch!· Archer, and William H. Wharton, January 20, 1836, requeslmg the sum of four thousand dollars for use in recruiting troops for Texas.] [ 1848) [AUSTIN to SMITH]

New Orleans Jan. 20. 1836.

To Go\'ernor Henry Smith

We forwarded to you by Cap Brown of Nacogdoches a copy of the contract for the loan of two hundred thousand dollars negociated by us with Robt. Triplett and others, and we now forward two more copies thereof printed, with a list of the numbers of the scrip taken by each stockholder also six copies of the scrip, which will fully inform the government of every particular relative to this transaction. We also inclose a certified copy of the contract for a second loan made by I. Erwin and others, and copies of the scrip issued in this loan- By the conditions of these loans they are to be ratified by the convention-The instalments on the first loans are not to be paid untill after notice of such ratification is published by the govt. agent in this city, in conformity with the 11th. article-The faith of the country is pledged for this ratification, and in the last loan, we the commissioners have pledged our individual property and estates for such ratification. Any failure or delay in ratifying these loans, will totally ruin the credit of Texas. The market price of land is now fixed al half a dollar pr. acre, and we are of the opinion that no more land should be should be disposed of in future by the gort. at less than one dollar or one and a quarter as the minimum.


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