Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

with the blessing of your household Gods, to the western frontier, where you will be organized for a short, but glorious campaign. March, then, where victory awaits you, and the genius of freedom spreads her banner, and will crown her sons with imperishable laurels. Roll back the crimson stream of war to its source, and make the tyrant feel the fiery sun of blazing, burning, consuming war; and since he has driven you to take up arms in your defence, !rive him "war to the knife, and the knife to the hilt." Let him " know how freemen can die, and how free men will live - that one day of virtuous liberty is worth an eternity of slavery. That if there is a boon, an offering held dead in heaven, '"Tis the last libation liberty draws from the heart that breaks and bleeds in its cause." ~larch, then, united, and without delay, and you will erect a monument in the affeclion of your admiring countrymen, and of the world, that will stand as firm on the pyramids of Egypt 'mid surrounding mines, that shall continue while time shall last, and only perish "amid the war of elements, the wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds." The God of war guide you to victory, honor, and peace. I remain Your much obliged fellow-citizen,

James W. Robinson Acting Governor

[ 1844] [SOMERVELL to PERRY]

[A. Somervell, Villa de Austin, to James F. Perry, Peach Point, January 19, 1836, about business malters,requesting "Mr. Sharp to send by first Steam Boat all my shooting Irons, say to him I recd the sword al Bejar.... I repeat to you my determination to devote my time rigidly to my business though there is a call for volunlers at this moment an express reached here yesterday evening from Bejar who brings intelligence that the commander at that post had received news from Mexicans that an armed force of from 1500 to 2000 men were marching against that place and at no great distance."]


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