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Nacogdoches An Inventory of Articles in Trunks Belonging to Gen Samuel Houston 4 Dress Cloth Coats l Frock " "
3 pr Cloth Pantaloons 2 " do Short Pants l " Flesh Colour do l " Grey " " l " Light Pantaloons l Summer Coat · l Velvet Vest l Flesh Colour do l Striped do l Red Shawl 3 pr Fine Cotton Sox 2 Bunches of Hair 15 volms History of England 6 do Bakers Livy 2 do Miltons Works
4 do Pinders do 3 do Burnses do l do Bible l do Murphy Tacitus l do Texas l do Queen Mab. l do Lem presis Classical Dictionary 2 do Smith's Thucydides l do Wrights Family Medicines 5 packages of letters l pr Green spectacles with Cases 25 Bell Buttons
l bol Renunciation of Papery l do Army Register l bol Army List 1832 l port Folio whit stone
Contents of Trunk No 2 l Shaving Box l do Brush Hone
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