San Felipe de Austin Jany. 18,1836
To Capt. P. Dimitt, Sir,
In conformity to the inclosed resolutions you will proceed to sell the public property therein specified under the restTictions & regulations, enumerated in the same. You and your brave men are most earnestly requested not to abandon the important fortress of Goliad & the public property in that place, until your place can be supplied by other Troops. Gen. Sam Houston, the commanding General of the Army of Texas, will I am fully satisfied make all necessary arrangements for your relief. Too much praise cannot be given to you & the patriotic citizen soldiers under your command at Fort Goliad, and in due time they will receive the rich reward that a free and grateful people has in reserve for them.
I am your obt. svt. J. W. Robinson acting Gov.
San Felipe de austin Jany 18th 1836
To Gen. Sam Houston Dr. Sir.
lnclosed in the printed dockument, you will find the late Gov. Smith's Bullying message, and some of the proceedings of the General Council; by them you will perceive the most flagrant usurpations of power attempted to be exercised by the late Gov. & the utter impossibility of his maintaining his foolish notions & policy. It is rumored here that the plan now issuing by him was suggested by you that that [you] will be here with troops to support him against the Council; now sofoolish & utopian an idea, I Know could not originate with you and I hope you will speedily satisfy the Counsil of your innocence for the impression is gaining ground and may ruin you. As for the council they are safe the people is with them, for they say these men, or at least a large
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