Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

I am now c11lir1·ly alone. Tiu: worsl or it is, they donl even offer me a dividc-a11d I really co11scdP.rcd ii was lime lo dissolve the pc1rl11crship. Y 011 11ced 1101 l,c discouraged ahoul this defrceully. I ca11 figh l them all; mu] hon('sl y is the best policy and will ultimately succeed. A11 111wq11cvocal l>cclaralio11 of Jndepcndencc will save Lhc co1111lry & t.hal is all lhal can. Y 011 will ccrlai11ly be alive lo this, come down a11d sec me, donl slay al home ----- up with the llypo. ] am 11ol thus lrouhlcd, and I know no reason why you should. If you had the· half of my troubles you might complain, so come down, a11d s1'.c nw and hear what is going on. I can not write half-two hours with me would cure you-Please rcmcmher me lo your hrolher a11cl I ,adics. 11 is late and I have much writing lo do ycl. Accept Lhe good wishes of your Sincere friend Henry Smith To Col. J. W. Groce r 1834 f [LEA to Wl-lt\RTON]

Eaton Tenn Jany .18th 1836

Wm. H. Wharton F.sq Dear Sir,

I have noticed in the newspapers your appointment as Commissioner from Texas lo the U. Stales for the purpose of ncgoeiating loans and making other arra11gcmenls for the advance- ment of the Texan cause. I saw a gentleman, a few days since, who informed me that he came with you to New Orleans and that you would in a few days probably be in Nashville. I have therefore embraced the opportunity of addressing you a line for the purpose of making some enquiries and of making a conditional proposal for raising a corps for the service of Texas. A brother of mine is now an officer of some experience in the service of the U. Stales and if he could be assured of a proper reception in Texas would, I have no doubt, resign, raise a respectable corps and devote him:,;df to the service of the rising state. He is well qualified as an engineer and tactician, having graduated among the distinguished al Wt•sl Point Academy a11d having served five or six years in dift't·r<'nt corps; latterly in lhc Dragoo11~. llis plan is to raise a rcgitn('lll if

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