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[1830] [GOMEZ to TORNEL]
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Exmo. Senor. En cumplimiento de ordem del Exmo. Sr. Gral. en Gefe de! Ejercito Benemerito de la Patria Dr. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, ha salido ayer de esta Plaza con destimo a la de Matamoros el Teniente Coronel Dn. Nicolas de la Portillo a la cabeza de la Seccion de tropas con que llego a este puerto del de Yucatan, esepto novcrta y conco hombres de tropa con dos Capitanes y un subalterno que han quedado en esta plaza para rcfuerzo de su guarnicion, segun lo determinado por el mismo Sor. Gral. en Gefe. y Tengo el honor fe participar a V.E. para el devido conocimiento del Exmo. Sr. Presidente interno. Dios y Libertad Santa Anna de Tamaulipas Enero 18. de 1836. Greo. Gomez Exmo. Sr. Ministro de la Guerra y Marina. [ 1831] [JAMESON to HOUSTON]
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Bexar, January 18th, 1836.
Major General Sam Houston, Sir:
Believing that a letter will meet you at Goliad, and having had more time to make a better plot of the "Fortress Alamo" at this place have embraced this conveyance, to acquaint you more satisfactorily of the condition and progress of the department, which you have so kindly assigned me. I send you hereiwth inclosed a neat plot of the fortress exhibiting its true condition at this time, as also an Index being duplicates of my former addressed to you at Washington, added to which is a recapitualtion more explanatory, and showing the improvements already made by me. I am now fortifying and mounting the cannon. The 18 pounder now on the N. W. corner of the fortress so as to command the Town and the country around. The officers of every department do more work than the men and also stand guard, and act as patrol every night. I have no doubt but the enemy have spies in town every twenty-four hours, and we are using our utmost endeavors Lo catch them every night, nor have I any doubt but there are 1500 of the enemy at the town
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