soldier. My paper is now given out I could write always but I must close my bad ,vrillen and ill compose lellcr by assuring you I will make the best use of the time I stay in Texas and will return as soon as honor & interest will permit until then farewell. Yours affectionately D. 8. Brooks [1828) [BRYAN AND HALL to SMITHJ
No 1
New Orleans January 18 1836
To His Excellency the Governor of Texas Sir
We have the honour to apprise you, of our having been appointed by the Hon. Commissioners of the Government of Texas, General Agent & Purchasing agent, to tr:msact the government business in this City. By our appointment it is made the duty of the General Agent to correspond with the Executive, give all informa- tion that may be important, receive such communications as you may think proper to address to him, supervise all orders eminating from the Government & forwarding our accounts every three months for examination. We should be pleased to receive from you directions as to the manner in which such communications should be made & such general directions ~s may insure the transactions of the business in a manner satisfactory to the government We have the honour to be Yours Respectfully &c
William Bryan
[Addressed:] To His Ex Henry Smith Governor of Texas
General Agent
Edward Hall purchasing Agent
Received from Stephen F. Austin and Branch T. Archer Five Hundred Dollars for contingent expenses in the outfits of the Schooner Independence now preparing for sea in this Port- Chas. V. Hawkins.- New Orleans Jany 18th 1836.
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