Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

(1826 J [AUSTIN and ARCHER to O''llNGS)

New Orleans January 18, 1836

Col.TD. Owings late col of 28th U.S. infantry Sir,

Your offer lo furnish one or more Regiments not to exceed fifteen hundred men in all, to be in Texas by l\·larch next, armed and equipped for the service of Texas, in the struggle in which she is at present engaged with the Military and unconstitutional Government of Mexico, is thankfully received. Our cause is that of Liberty, Religious Toleration and Freedom of Conscience, against Usurpation, Despotism and the unnatural and unholy monopolies of the Church of Rome. We wish to extend the blessings of Civil Liberty over one of the fairest portions of this Continent, and to offer a home upon its fertile soil, to the pious and Industrious of all Religious denominations. In doing this we invade no right appertaining to Mexico, we violate no duty-on the contrary-Right and Justice and Duty loudly call upon us to resist oppression and defend ourselves-they call upon the noble, the liberal, the pious and the free, to fly lo our aid, and assist in planting the Standard of Independence and of Freedom in Texas. Your offer is accepted- The Regiment or Regiments of volunteers which you propose to raise, will be received into the service of Texas, on the terms and conditions enacted by the Provisional Government of Texas, by their ordinance of 5th December last, and other laws and obligations now in force, on the subject. The expence of arming and equipping said force, so far as it is done by you, will be refunded to you by the provisional Government, at the close of the war, or as soon as the finances of the Country will permit. Said arms and equipments to be furnished to the Government at a fair valuation. Ammunition and provisions furnished by you for said force, will also be put on the same footing as the arms and equipments. The accounts to be duly audited and substantiated by the proper vouchers-a reasonable allowance will also be paid for the transportation of said Regiment or Regiments, to Texas. On your arrival there, you will report yourself lo the


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