Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

:! 11 1 1. Macll,!r l·lrarnl' Parll.'rs. 'I\. :! I :!O. Cop~ in Biographical Fill's. TxU-B. :! I:! I. ,\. .I. lfouston Papers. Tx. :! I:!:!. Archi\'11 Gt>neral de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. :!l:!:t Un_ited S!ate~ and) i~~xico •.. I Wash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd 51.'ss.. H.E.D. 3.'il, IH.181. I ,.I. !Sci.' H:.L:>. :! I :!4. An·hirn Grnl'ral de Mexico Par><'rs. TxU-r\. :! 125. United States and iWe:cico .•. I Wash., 25th Cong.• 2ml &ss. . H.E.D. 3.51. IH:\H I. I 74. !:ice H:! 12:3. :! I 2<>. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 2127. Lnpuhlisht>cl S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. :! I:! H. A. J. 1-1 ouston Papl.'rs. Tx. 2129. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. :! 130. Consular l'apl'rs. Tx. 2 I 31. Domestic Correspondence. Tx. 213:!. United S111tes and 1\tlexico .•• (Wash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd &ss. . H.E.D. :t'il. 1838 I. Sl'l' #2123 and #2125. :! I:t3. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 2 I :H. lv/ississippi Free Trader and Natche: G11:e11e. March 25. IH36. 21 :1.,. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 21 :16. A. J. Houston l'apl'rs. Tx. See #211 i. 2 I 3 7. Copy in Biographical Files. TxU-8. 2138. Broadsid<'. CtY. Streeter.A BibliographyofTexas. #122. 2 I 39. Brown. History of Texas, I. 498-99. 2140. United States and 1\tle:cico ... t\Vash.. 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 351. IH381. 2141. Brown. History of Texas, I, 1 ~93-9i. Addressed to Messrs. Thomp.;on and Clements. 2142. Foote. Te:casandtheTexans, 11.212-13. 2143. Lamar Press, I. 337-38. 2144. Memphis Enquirer, April 12. 1836. Also in Richmond Whig, April l.'i. 18:1(1. 2145. Copy in Biographical and Historical Files. Tx. 2146. Foote. TexasandtheTexans.11.214-16. 2147. Convention or 1836 Papers. Tx. 2148. Texas-1\tle:cic:o-Canada ..• (Wash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. 74. 11131!1. 2149. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. 21.50. Barker. The Austin Papers. III.316-17. 2151. .Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. 2152. Consultation Papers. Tx. 2153. Consultation Papl'rs, Tx. 2 1.54. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. 2155. State Department Record Books. Tx. Lewis is Ira R. L.•wis. llrn·ourt is Eclwarcl Harcourt. Turner is Amasa Turner. Williams i, Surnud \rillium, I nut !Samuel J'vl11\' \\lilliamsl. l'ea:;e is E. M. Peos1•. and Santleben is Aui:11,t Santl1~ hen. ·

21 :i6. Archivo General de Mexico l'upers. TxU-A. 21.'>7. Archi\'o General de J\ll'xico l'ap,•rs. 'l\U-A. 21.18. Archivo Genernl de Mexico l'npl'rs. TxU-A. 2159. Writings of S11m /Jousto11, I. :t'ill-llU. 21 {10. Army Papers. Tx. B1•rnnm should U<' Burnham. 2161. Foote. Texas and the Texn11s. 11. 22•k 2162. lnmar Papers. I. 92. . _ .

. . . . 2163. Telegraph 11nd Te:c1M Uegister. febnmry 2,. IH.111. :\ fornnnl,• of th1• 11rii:111al is in Mar\' M. Brown. A Cuncle11s1id lfotory of Tt>:cns. I :!H. :! I64. Archivo Genernl d<' J\frxil-n l'apNs. TxU-A. 2165. United S1111es 11nd Mexico ... !Wash.. 25th Cuni: .. :!11,I :-1•s.•.. IU:.D. :I.ii. 18381. 21 (>(>. Treasury l'apt'rs. Tx.

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