Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


.-\rmy Pnprr... ')\;, Telegraph and Texas Register. February :?O. IH:Hi. .-\rmy l'apt•r,-. Tx. .-\. J. Hou,-1011 Papt•r,-. Tx. l'nited States and .Wexico ... I \'\'ash.. :?.)th Cong.. :?nd S1•s:,;.. H.E. I>. :1.; I. IH:rnt. 7:1\1-:H. Bryan . .4 Vindication of the Conduct of tl1e Agenc-)· of Texils in Neu· t )r/<'1111.,. 8-'1.

:?07-1. :?117 :;, :?ll7h . :?1177. :?078.

:?117 1 1.

:?OHO. :?1181. :?118:?. :?118:i. :?08-L :?118.), :?118h. :?1187 . :?088. :?11811. :?11110. :?llll I. :?UIJ:?. :?OIJ:i. :?lllJ.I, :?1111 .) . :?Ill)!,, :?ll 1 J7. :?0118. :?OIJIJ, :?100. :? I U I. :?Ill:?. :? I u:i. :? I 114. :? 111.:;, :?1116. :? I 07. :? I 08. :? 109. :?I 10. :? 11 I. :? 11 :?. :? I I :t :? 114. :? I I .=;, :? 11<,. :? l I 7. :? 11 H.

Con,-nltntion Paprr,-. Tx. Lamar Papers. I. :i:W-31. Lamar Papers. I. :nu. Jamr,- F. Prrr) Paprrs. TxU-.-\. Army l'aprrs. Tx.

Brown. Life of Henry Smith. 2 1 12-96. Barkrr. The Austin Papers. l II. 314. Con:,;uhation Papers. Tx. The major of the corps was Hohrrl M. Williamson. .\lina is now Bastrop. Texas. Court ol Claims \'ouchers. 4:?'; I. File A-C. General Lnnd Oflice. Tx. Lamar Papers. I. 331-32. Lamar Papers. I. :3:?3-24. Con,mltation Papers. Tx. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Endorsed hy A. J. Houston: ·· l ;q!t'S or1,?aniz.11iou of tlw rr~ri1lar army after he had exerted himself to prewnt it." Brown. History of Texas. I. 498. Trxa;s Collrction. Ct.;-B. L npuhlished S. F. Austin Papers. Txli-A. Consultation Papers. Tx. Court ol Claim~ Papers. Tx. Stall' Department Record Books. Tx. The nnmher 700 in line two of till' h•:1.1 should probably he -;uuo. ,\, J. Houston Papers. Tx. Consultation Papers. Tx. State Department Record Books. Tx. Army Papers. Tx. Northwestern Gazelle and Galena Advertiser IGalena, Illinoisl. April:?. 18:H,. l npuhlished S. F. Austin Papers. Tx li-A. Lamar Papers. I. 332-34. Copy in Consultation Papers. Tx. Consultation Papers. Tx. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. Santos. Santa Anna's Order Book, ,'i3. Comptroller:,; .\lilitary Service Hecorcls. Tx. .-\rchirn General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. Copy in Bio1,rraphical and Historical Papers. Tx. lnpuhlished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna. 68. MA Thesis. Txli-B. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna. 66-6';. MA Thesis. Txli-8. .-\rchh o General de Mexico Papers. Txli-A. -\. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Brown. History of Texas. I. 536-3';. The beginning of the leller. just located in Army Papers. Tx. reads: "Enclosed I send you the report of the Engineer of this Post .\·Ir Green B. Jameson. together with a Plan or Oemonstrntion of thr Alamo & its present state of defence. I hope they will meet your approbation ai. .'\Ir. G. /sic/ has shown himself industrious & attentive in his department and spems "illini,: to do every thing in his power to serve the stute." The endinl-! portion rrads: "Men. money and provisions are needed-with thrm this post 1:an & shull he maintained & Texas lthat isl the colonies, will lw suvPd from llw futal .,ffpets of an Im·asion.'' The Jameson l1•1ter is #'21 Ill. Sri• ulso # I H:i I.

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