Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

:.!112'1. Nm·o!!d•:•:hes Commillcc or Vigilence and .Safoty Paper,. Txl'-:\. :.!ti:111. Me.nco-1 e:rns•Cannda ... I \Vash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.. H.E. IJ. 7•t Ui:1111. :.!il.l I. /,1111wr Pi1pers. I. 318-19. Palmer should he Parmer. :.!11:1:.!. B~oaclsheet. Tx. See .Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas. #14:!. :?o:u. B1nkl,•y. Texan Revolution. 399-400. .See #2032. :.!ti:14. Filizoln. Correspondence of Santa Anna. 60-63. i\l,\ Th,•si,. TxL;-B. :.!O:l.'J. l.11n111r P11pers. I. 3 IIJ.20. :.!O:H,. Comptrollers Militar}' Ser\'ice Record~. Tx. :?0:17. Telegraph nnd Texas Register. February 20. IH:lt,. •:.!o:rn. Filiwla. Correspondence or Santa Anna·. 6.'i. i\l,\ Thl'Sis. Txl'-1!. :.!O:l 1 J. Filiwla. Correspondence or Santa Anna. 64. i\lA Thesis. TxL;-B. 211411. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. :.!114 I. Nm y Pnpers. Tx. :.!114:.!. Browu. life of Henry Smith. 290- 1 )2. 2114:1. Lam11r Papers. I. 320-21. :?044. United Stntes and iWexico . •. (Wash.• 25th Cong.. 2ml .Se,-s.. H.J::.D. :!.ii. I 8:18 I •• '18 I. 2048. Consultation Pnpers. Tx. The following statement accompani('S this document: .. \\- e the undersib'Tled do agree to proceed on to the Army of Texas under the direcktions or the Governor & Councill. Samuel .Sprngur has bin rrleckted to hencl the company whose names are atached to this l'aprr. Samul'I Spragnl'. Daniel Murphey. John W. Thomson. Nathaniel Hazen. Charles Linle}·· R. K. Pett\'. G. F. Piuman. C. S. Hardwicke. David J. Jonrs. A. B. Hannan.'' i\lo,t or tl;ese men were captured with Fannin: Sprague. Linley. l'elly. l'i11man. and 2114.;. Mnclge Hearne Papers. Tx. :?11411. D. C. Barrell Papers. Tx. :.!047. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx.

Harclwickr were killed nnd Murphey. Hazrn. and Jones e&·aped. Broadside. Entered from Thomas W. Streeter's copy of a reprint. now in CtY. Sr1' Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas. #81!3. Cory in Consultation Papl'rs. Tx. L11111ar P11pers. I. :i21-22. lamnr Papers. I. 322-23. l11mnr Papers, I. 323. 'The numeral 41 is a typographical error and should not 11pp<'ar. Consultation Papers. Tx. Correo Atl11ntico !New Orll'ansl. March 14. IH:ll,. lnmar Pnpers, I. 91. . . . _ United Stntes and 1\tle.rico .•. I Wash.• 2.5th Coni:.. :?1111 ~t'SS .. IU,.1). • !., I. rn:181. 583. Sl'e #20•i9. Consultation Papers. Tx. Consultation Papers. Tx. The last line is in the ha111h.ritini: or J. W. Robinson. ,\rchi\'o General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. BPxar Archives. TxU-A. Treusurv Papers. Tx. United St11tes and Me:cico ... I Wush.. :?.>th Coni:.. 2nd St•,-.,.. H.E.D. :\.i I. I H:18 I. Consultation Papers. Tx. Endorsed: "Opinion of t·nmt. in rrlution to i\lnunh•d Volunteers near Major Robinson:· Cons11lt11tion Papl'rs. Tx. Army Papers. Tx. G,•nrrnl Council Papers. Tx.


20.iO. 20.i I. 20.;2. 20.;:3, 20.)4. 20.) .). 211.;c,. 20.'17. :?058. :?0.)9. :!llhO. :!Ohl. :!Oh:!. :?Uh:t


211,,.;. :?llhh. :?Oh 7. :!Oh8. :!OhlJ. :?070. 20: 1. 20:2. :.!o::t

,\rchivo General de Ml'xico l'aprr:<. TxU-,\. r\rchivo Cirneral de M,•xico l'upl'r:<. Txl'-.\. Claihorrlt', Life and Corn•spondrnc-r of Jolr11 A. Q11itm1111. l:!•) •. Jo. ,\rnr~ l'up,•rs. Tx. Thr datl' IH:!-i :<huuld b,· 111:1.i. /,1111111r l'11pers. I. :i24-2 1 1. Con,.ultation l'upt•rs. 'I\. Copy in .-\. J. ll011:<ton l'np,•r,.. 'I\.



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