Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


l tJt)U. Comptrolll'rs U'lll'rs. Tx. 11111I. Con,-ultation Papl'rs. Tx. '1111' Cincinn11ti Volunteers wl'rl' ruisecl in Cincinnati and :\1•wport by Sidney Sherman. who was later paid by tht> l,!Overnment for ··-11 stand :\merican rifles valued by apprisement. ancl fnrnishl'd the Nt'wport Ky Hifle Company 111 S:?O each. said arms having bt•c-n rl'cl'ivecl from H. T. L~ tie. Cindnnati.""-Comptrollers Military Sl'rvicl' He-cords. Tx. 1 1111:?. r\. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Johnston is Frnncis \V. Johnson. 11111:t .-\. J. Houston Pa1>t'rs. Tx. I 111 >4. Donwstic Correspondence. Tx. 11)11."i. :\rmy Paprrs. Tx. Bryan is \Villinm Bryan. I 1l 1 lh. Consultation Pap<'rs, Tx. I 1 llJCJ. Consultation Pap<'rs. Tx. The funds r<'ferr<'d to W<'r<' the donation by H. K. \\I. Hill of i'ashvill<'. Tennessee. delivered to Smith in January by Gt>org<' C. Childress. :?000. United States and Mexico . .. !Wash.• :?5th Cong.. 2nd Sess.. H.E. D. 3;il. 18381. :?OU1. Copy in Consultation Papers. Tx. :?OU:?. A. J. Houston Papt>rs. Tx. The writer is Pamda Mann. wife of Marshall Mann. Groose is Jared Groce. :?003. Consultation Papers. Tx. See 111999. The money was not given up by Smith: see Binkle,•, Texan Revolution, 386. for a breakdown of how Smith dishurS('d th<' funds.· I tJtJ7. Army Pap<'rs. Tx. I tJtJH . Army Pnp<'rs. Tx. :?004. Consultation Papers. Tx. :?005. Comptroller"s Lt>tters. Tx. :?006. United States and 1\tlexico . .. I\Vash.• 25th Cong.• 2nd Sc-ss.• H.E.D. 351. t8:rn1. :?1107. Lamar Papers. l. 91. :?008. Lamar Papers. 1. 91. :?UUtJ. Lamar Papers. 1. 3 I 5-16. :?U IU. Memorials and Petitions File. Tx. Howard & Fleury are Charl<'s Howard and H. B. Fleun·. :?UI I. A. J. Houst~n Papers. Tx. :?U I:?. State D<'partment Hecord Books. Tx. :?013. T. J. Green Papt>rs. NcU. :?U14. Army Papers. Tx. :?015. Copy in Biobrraphical and Historical File. Tx. :?UH,. Not located. Mentioned in 112038. :?O:?O. Correo Atlantico INew Orleansl, Murch 14. 1836. A transcription of the Span• ish is in United States and Mexico . .. IWash.. 2.'ith Cong., 2nd Sess.• H.E.D. :351. 18381. 174-75. :?II:? I. Convention of 1836 Papers. Tx. Travis arrived in San Antonio on February :3. Crockett on February 7 or 8. and Neill left on February 11. Since Neill and Travis both signed and Crockett did not. the date of this document is probably between February 3 and 7, 1836. Maverick and Badgett were both seated by the Convention. :?II:?:?. Consultation Papers. Tx. The addressee is William Christy. :?0:?:3. i\acogdoches Committee of Vigilence and Safety Papers. TxU-A. :?0:?4. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna..'}8-59. MA Thesis, TxU-B. The addressee is Joaquin Ramirez y Sesma. :?11:?5. Brown. Life of Henry Smith, 28.'i-8,. :?1117. Lamar Papers, 1.317. :?U18. Treasury Papers. Tx. :?U 19. Archivo Genernl de Mexico Papers. TxU-A.

• I ~ I • l

:?O:?<,. tamar Papers. I. :3 111. :?II:?7. Consular Papers. Tx. :?1128. ,\. J. Houston Papl'rs. Tx.

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