1 1 M4. Stat!' Dcpnrtmcnt Hecord Books. Tx. Binkley. Texan Uel'olution. 3.i2-5:l. L!ht•, the lisl of deserters as follows: "List of deserters on the road from San f rlipl'- ,\, \Vhite. John Cole. From Washington-Baker-wi1h a roan horse saclcllr ,'( Bridle--Andrew Smith-with a sorrel horse saddle-~'< Bridl<'-Blanket-Gun ,'( shot powder. Ginnings with a Dun horse snddle ~~ bridll'-rnlued at Sl.i0- Wm Smith. Solomon Bardwell. Alfonso Steele.-\\'ilcy. Hcponed to ,eaq!1•ant J. C. Smith-Jam· 27th 1836. \V. 13. Travis Lt. Col. Conuh.'' Binkle, al,o states: "Because ~f the looseness of the mili1ary organiwtion the mt•n w~r<' ac• customecl to come and go at will. and the term 'de,erter' should not haw hl'l'n applied to these mt>n in the strict militarJ sense. :\t least five of them took part in the battle of San Jacinto." 194.'i. Consultntion Papers. Tx. 1946. Not located. Mentioned in #1966. 194 7. United States and iWexico .•• IWash., 25th Cong.. 2nd Ses.s.. H.E.D. 3.11, rn:rn1. 160. 1948. iWexico-Texas-Canada .•. IWash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd Scs.s.. H.E.D. 7,J. 1831!1. 1949. United States and 1Wexico •.. IWash.. 2;i1h Cong.. 2nd Ses.s.. H.E.D. :tit. 18381.162-63. 19,=;o, D. C. Barrett Papers. Tx. I 1 J5 l. T. J. Rusk Papers. TxU-A. 19.>2. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna, 52. MA Thesis. 1\ U-B. I <J.'iJ. Arnn· Papers. Tx. Jackson is Thomas R. Jnckson and Forsyth is J. H. For,.~ 1h. I 9.'i4. Mar1ning, Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States. \'II I. #3331. l 9.'i5. Yoakum. History of Texas. ll. '~60-i0. 19.>6. Army Papers. Tx. 19.,7. United States and Mexico ... !Wash.. 251h Cong.. 2nd St>s.s.. H.E.D. 351. 18381. (<J.'i8. r\rmv Papers. Tx. I<J.'i9. Filiz~la. Correspondence of ~anta Anna, ~i. MA :nu•s!s· yx~-8. I<J<,0. Filiwla. Correspondence of Snnta Anna. ~6. MA pres~s. ,rx~-8. I9(1 I. Filizola. Correspondence of Santn Anna, a3. MA I hes1s. fxU-8.
I<Jh2. Archivo Genernl de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. I963. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A.
1964. Consultation Papers. Tx. 19<,.'i. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. . , , . 1966. Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Annn. ,);-,, i\lA fhrs1s. I xl-8. I%7. Copy in Biographical,and Historical Files. Tx. _ _ . 1968. Consultation Papers. fx. 1969. Consultation Pnpers. Tx. 1970. Comptroller's Letters. Tx. 1971. Broadsheet. TxU-A. Streeter. A Biography of Te:cas. #I :?I. 1972. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Pollard is Amos Pollard.
1973. ,\. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1974. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 197.'i. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. . , 1976. Comptrollers Military Service Hecords. 1 x. 1977. Consultntion Papers. Tx. 1978. Not locnted. Mentioned in #180i. 1979. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1980. Archivo General de Mexico Pupers. TxU-,\. 1981. Lamar Papers, I. 311. I982. Copy in L11m11r Papers. Tx. 198:t Copv in Lnnrnr P11pers. Tx. I 984. l\'le~iorials and Petitions Filr. Tx. 1985. CorreoAtlantico INewOrll'mrsl. i\larch 7, 11136. 1986. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1987. Burker. The Austin Papers, 111. :l I :t I988. Consultution Papers. 'I\. I989. Army Papers. Tx.
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