Ulll-1. Comptroll!'rs i\lilitnry Serdrt' RN·ords. Tx. I ~N~. Corr<'spondence with the Government of 1Hexico .. . I Wash.. :?4th Con!,!.. 1,.1 sl',.s.. 1-1.1::.D. :!Sb. 18361. 411.41. 18 1 1h. Consultation Papers. Tx. Buoy is James Bowie. I81)7. Army Papl'rs. T.\. I 8 1 18. Garrison. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas. I. (> ,J.(i ."i. IH 1l 1 I. D. C. Bnm•II Papers. TxU-r\. Ward is Willium Ward and Gritton is Edward Grittt>n. I1)00. :\rchi\'o G!'neral de Mexico Papers. Tx Li-A. 190 I. Comptroller·s U>llers. Tx. 1110:!. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1903. Consultation Papers. Tx. l1l04. Consultation Papers. Tx. Rex Thomson should be Alexr. Thomson. I1l0~.· Comptroller·s U>llers. Tx. l 90b. Consultation Papers. Tx. l 907. Comptroller·s U'llers. Tx. John Childress should be George C. Childress. l 1 Hl8. Lamar Papers. I. 307-308. lll09. Consultation Papers. Tx. James Cameron should be John Camt'ron. 19 IO. D. C. Barrett Papers. TxU-r\. 1911. Lamar Papers. I. 308-309. 11 1 I:!. Financial Affairs Papers. Tx. llJl:t United States and 1Wexico ... IWnsh.• 25th Cong.. :!ncl Sess.. H.E.0 . :i:;1. 18381. I1J14. Archirn General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. IIJ15. United States and Mexico. IWash., 25th Cong.. 2nd Sess.• H.E.D. :!."ii. 18381. IIJ Ib. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1917. United States and Mexico. f\Vash.. !?.';th Cong.• 2nd Sess.• 1-1.E.D. 3."il. 18381. 1918. r\rchivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 1919. Arehi\'o General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 19:!0. United States and Mexico .. . !Wash.• 25th Cong., 2nd Sess., 1-1.E.D. :J."il. l8:!81. 576-78. llJ:!l. 1\ot located. Mentioned in #1960. 19:?:?. Consultation Papers. Tx. 19:!:t T. B. Huling Papers. Txl-A. 1924. Broadsheet. Txli-A. Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas, H 139. 19:?.'i. Arm~ Papers. Tx. 19:!b. l'a\'y Papers. Tx. 19:!7. Consultation Papers. Tx. 19:?8. :\a\'y Papers. Tx. Wells is Fleming T. Wells and Sevey is Joseph Seve~. IIJ:?9. :\ot locatt'cl. Mentioned in #1960. IIJ:H>. Army Papers. Tx. I931. Brown. History of Texas. I. 531-32. IIJ:i:?. Army Papers. Tx. IIJ:i:t Consultation Papers. Tx. l lJ:M. Brown. Life of Henry Smith, 289. I IJ:i.'i. Comptroller·s Lettt'rs. Tx. I 9:{b. Lamar Paper~. I. 309-31 O. l9:i7. United States and Mexico . .. f\Vash., 25th Cong., 2nd Sess.. 1-1.E.D. :i:;t. rn:rn1. IIJ:rn. Consular Papers. Tx. l!J:i9. Ser # I940. 1940. Treasun· Papers. Tx. ]IJ.J I. State Department Hecord Books. Tx. 194:!. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. ]94:t r\rrillaga. Recopilacion de Leyes ..., January-June. 18:H,. :?:M. Strel'lt•r, A Bibliography of Texas. #88(1.
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