Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

1848. unpuhlished S. F. Austin Papers. "l\lJ-A. 18:19. Treasury Papers. Tx. IHaO. Quarter/yo/ the Texns Stnte l-listorical Association. IX. 17•~7H. The lellrr \\a~ postmarked in New Orleans on Felmian· It 18.) I. Comptroller·s Leuers. Tx. · IHa:?. Consultation Papers. Tx. J H.'l:t Court or Claims Vouchers. 4:?71. File A-C. Grneral Land Offil'e. Tx. IH.,4. Not located. .Mentioned in #1892. I8a5. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. I8:ib. Con~ultntion Papers. Tx. I 8., 7. Consultation Papers. Tx. Only the Inst paragraph is in Hnhinson·s hand. I8.'l8. Army Papers. Tx. 1859. Consultation Papers. 1\. The letter is acldressrd ··To His Exccllrncv till' Gm- ernor Henry Smith. Washington.'' · 1860. Consultation Papers. Tx. The version in Gammel. Lairs of 1~.-cas, I. HIIU. stair~ ..four hours." I 86 I. Filizoln. Correspondence or Snntn Anna. 4(,.,i 7. i\lr\ Thesis. TxU-B. I8h:?. Filizola. Correspondence or Santa Anna. 43. i\l:\ The;.is. TxU-8. 1Hh:t Filizola. Correspondence of Santa Anna. ,is. i\l:\ Thrsis. Txl-B. IHh4. Filizola. Corrrspondence of Santa Anna. ,i.i. i\l,\ Thesis. Txl.J-8. J Hb.'l. Broadside. TxU-A. Streeter. A Bibliography of Texas. # I :!H. I866. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1Hb7. Barker. The Austin Papers. Ill. 308-3UIJ. IH(18. unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. IHh9. unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-,\. I870. Consultation Papers. Tx. 1871. i\tlexico-Texas-Cannda ... I\Vash.. 25th Cong.. :?nd SC5.S .. H.E.D. 74. IH:!HI. I 1-1 :!. The paper marked A is#16:?:? and that mnrked B is# I6:1 I. 187:?. Consultation Papers. Tx. Also Broadsheet. TxU-A. Strcrtrr. ,I Bibliogruphy of Texas. # 139. There is on endorsement reading: "Exccutivr Oeparlnwnl. Janu- uarv 26. 1836. To the Honourable Presidrnl and i\lrmbcrs or the Grrwral Co,;ncil of Texas. Gentlemen. - The forciroing lcllcr from Colonrl J. W. Fnn• nin. speaks for its<'lf. and in my opinion ought to be publM1ed to thr world. and thereby give to the freemen of Texas and the world. full and impartial infor- mation of the state of public nrfairs. which is s11bmi11ed to your mo,;t cl1•1ibm11r consideration nnd allention. James \V. Robinson. ,\ctinir Governor." 1873. Bi!rker. The Austin Papers. Ill. 310. 187 4. Consultation Papers. Tx. 187.'i. lam11r Papers. I. :!Ul-302. 1876. Archivo General dr Mrxico l'opers. TxU-:\. 1877. Mixon. William Barret Travis: His Lire nncl L('IICrs. ,i3:!. :\I:\ Thrsis. '1\l-B. 1871!. ~lilt(' Department Hccorcl Books. Tx. The cnclo,.urr is #IH-lh. 1879. unpublished S. F. Austin l'nprrs. TxU-r\. I 880. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 1881. Bark('r. The Austin Papers. Ill. :11:!-l:J. IHI!:?. Consultation Papers. Tx. IHH:t Consultation Papers. Tx. I 884. l11mar P11p!'rs. I. :!U:?. 18H5. lam11r Papers, I. :rn:!-:!03. IHHti. United St11tes and 1Wexico .. . l\\'ush.. :?.1th Conir.. :!ml St•,;.•.. H.E.I>. :1.,1. 1H:rn1. 76.)·66. Gaines is Edmund P. Gai111•s. 1887. Treasury Papers. Tx. IHH8. Consultation Papers. Tx. I 1189. Fili.win. Corresponcll'nc<' of Snnt11 ,\111111. -IH--1'1. i\l:\ Tlu•,-is. Txll-B. IH110. Filizola. Correspnndrncc of S1111ta Annn•. , ,t i\l,\ Th,,,i,., 'l\u-11. 18'1 I. Filizola. Correspo11cl1•m·r of Santa ,\111111. :;o. i\l,\ Th,•,;is. 'I\ t:.n. I Hll:?. Filizoln. Corrcspond1•11ce or Santn ,\nnn. ,; I. i\l:\ Tl11':iis. 'I\C-B. IHt/:1. BroadshrN. TxU-A. Strcrtl'r. A Bibliograplir nf 'forn.<. #1-lh. Al,-11 in /.11111.1r P11pers. I. :rn,i-:!07. 1111d with nlt,•rutiuns in llmwn. I.if<' of llt'nry· .Smith. :?.)7-M.

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