Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

IH03. Comptrollers Military Service Records. Tx. IH04. Consultation Papers. Tx. Hm~. Army Papers. Tx. I 80(>. Quarterly of the Tex11s State Historical Association. X l I. 1 :2. rno:. Governor and Council Papers. Tx. IH08. Copy in Memorials and Petitions File. Tx. IH0 1 l. Barker. The Austin Papers. Ill. 305-306. 1810. D. C. Barrell Papers. TxU-A. 1H I I. Arm~ Papers. Tx. 1812. Copy in Sam Houston Papers. TxU-A. Cook is William G. Cooke. 1813. Army Papers. Tx. Slightly edited copies appear in Yoakum. History of Te:rns. 11. 4.'>8-59. and Brown. History of Tex11s. I. 52:-28. Pallon is William H. Patton. Gonzales is Jose Maria Gonzales. \Vvall is Pevton S. \Vvatt. Smith is Benjamin Fort Smith. Demit is Phillip Din;ill. and \Varel is \\'illia111 \Varel. Neitrs leller is #I :83. I 814. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association. XI I. 1: 2- ::t 181 ~. D. C. Barrett Papers. TxU-A. 1816. Archivo General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A. · 181:. State Department Record Books. Tx. The elate of this leller is derived from #1818. 1818. Winfrey. Indian Papers of Texas. l. 13. 1819. Copy in Sam Houston Papers. Tx. 18:!0. Not located. Quoted in Yoakum. History of Texas. II. 59. 18:!l. Barker. The Austin Papers. III. 306. 1822. Not located. Mentioned in Gray. From Virginia to Texas. 80. 1823. Barker. The Austin Papers. III. 30:. 1824. Not located. Mentioned in Gray. From Virginia to Texas, 80. 182.'>. T. J. Husk Papers. TxU-A. 18:!6. Garrison. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Republic of Texas, l. 59. 18:!:. D. B. Brooks Papers. TxU-A. 1828. Consular Papers. Tx. 18:!9. Army Papers. Tx. 1830. Archivo General cle Mexico Papers. TxU-A. 1831. Zavala. The Alamo and Other Missions, 23-29. The Plat of the Alamo appears on page 2i. 1832. linpuhlished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. 18:33. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 1834. Barker. The Austin Papers. III, 30:-308. 18:3.,. Consultation Papers. Tx. I836. i\acogcloches Committee of Vigilence and Safety Records. Txli-A. 18:3:. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 18:rn. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. Houston's son A. J. Houston endorsed this leller as follows: ..The General Council that deposed Governor Smith could have just as lawfully deposed General Houston as Commander-in-Chief. but evidently knew how far to go... 18:39. Brown. Life of Henry Smith. 246-48. A somewhat different version appears in Lamar Papers. l. 298-99. dated January 19. 1836. I840. Broadside. Txl.i-A. Streeter, A Bibliogrnphy of Texas. # 11 i . Borden was 1ms11c- cessful as a candidate, the San Felipe seats heing won by Thomas Barnell and C. 8. Stewart. 1841. Copy in D. C. Barrell Papers. TxU-A. 1842. Comptrollers Lellers. Tx. 184:3. Telegrnph and Texas Register, January 2:l. I 8:H1. 1844. James F. Perry Papers. Txl.i-A. 184.J. Copy in Consultation Papers. Tx. The copy in Gammel. laws of Texas. I. 800. reads ••four hours.·· 184<,. Copy in Cnpublishcd S. F. Austin Papers. Txl.i-A. 184:. Comptroller·s Lellers. Tx.

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