Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4



177•l. Copy in Army Papers. Tx. 1775. Army Papers. Tx. 1776. Archi\'o General de Mexico Papers. TxU-A.

1777. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 17711. A. J. Houston Papers. Tx. 1779. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx.

I 780. Consultation Papers. Tx. The enclosed petition call<'<! for the remo\'al of Judge L. C. Manson for habitual drunkenness and arbitrary uctions. St>e #140-1. \Valier is Edwin Waller and Smith is Henn· Smith. 1781. United Stutes and Mexico .•. (Wash., 25th Cong.• 2nd Sess.. H.E.D. :til. 18381. 5-;'7. I 7112. Nacogdoches Archives. Tx. I7113. Brown. History of Texas. I. 530. 1784. Telegraph and Texas Register, January 23. 11!:!6. Burleson and Johnson ore Edward Burleson and Francis \V. Johnson. 1711.'i. United States and Mexico • •. IWash.. 25th Cong.. 2nd SPss.. H.E.D. :1:>1. 18381. 5 78. The addressee is probably Anthony Butler. 17116. Gammel. Laws of Tetas, I. 780-87. 1787. Filiz.ola. Correspondence of Santa Anna. •11-42. M:\ Thesis. TxU-8. :\n arroba is a measure of '.?5 pounds. 17118. Consultation Papers. Tx. The Council found this letter "to ht' cuntumrlious and in contempt of the General Council.. and order<'<I Stewart to appt•ar ond ..show cause why he h11s done so. 11nd wherefore he slwuld not be punish<'<!. for his contumely and contempt." Gammel. laws of Texas. I. 780 ff. 1789. Unpublished S. F. Austin Papers. TxU-A. I71JU. Manning. Diplomatic Correspondence oft/re United States. VIII. #3:l3tl. I ,IJ l. Writings of Sam Houston. I. 337-38. using E. \V. B11rtholomoe·s translation from 1-1. Ehrenberg"s Fa/rren 11nd Sc/ricksale eines Dewschen in Tens. Ehrrn- berg states that this was part of a speech deli\'ered by Houston to thr solclit•r:- at Goliad on Januar\' 15 or 16. 1836. 1792. O/rio Monitor 1Coh1~tlmsl. Februurr 18. 1836. I ";"9:t Broadside. TxU-A. Streeter. A Bib/i~graphy of Texas. # I 211. 1, 1 14. Drclaration of Texas lndependenc<' Signers Paprrs. Txli-A. ··Exrub~nting·· is probably ··Excnlputing."' I ";°lJ.'j , Archivo General cl<' Mexico P11pers. TxU-,\. I ";'lJh. Originul in pos,;ession of L111rcnce Linglr. Fort Worth. 'Ihn~. I71J7. Brown. Ufe of Henry Smith. 236-3';'. Sre # 1,811. I 71JH. Brondsidr. Ct Y. StreNer. A Bib/iogriiphy of Texas. Kl113.

17 1) 1). Co11y in Smn Houston Papers. TxU-:\. I HOO. Bark<'r. The Austin Papers. III. 3M-:Hl;i I1!11 I. Not lm:att•d. Mentioiwd in # I h82. I HO:!. Brmulsid,•. Ct Y. Str1•r11•r. A Bi/1/iugraphy of Texa.<. # 1 100.


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