Head Quarters- Washington 5 ~larch 1836
To Sterling Robertson Esquire
Sir- You will proceed forthwith lo lhc United Stales and are hereby authorized lo raise such numhcr of Troops as may he in your power for the service of Texas for two years or durin~ the present war-in the event of a Company or Regiment hcing raised the men shall have the power of electing their own officers who will report their command lo the Head Quarters of the Army of Texas witho11 l delay. Sam Houslon-Comd in Chief of the Army. [2247] [IIUSTON lo HOUSTON]
Nacogdoches March 5th 1836
To Gcnl Sam Houston Commander in chief Dear Gcnl
I have rcceiv<'d advises from the Col. at this place ad\'ising me lo rel11rn to Sun Augustine & try to urge & assist on Volunteers from that quarter. Lieut. Teals command moved from this place yesterday with their Baggage wagon Provisions &c under the charge of Col. Colwell Assl Qr ~laster I shall lose no lime in doing all in my power to bring on Volunteers, or in case they do not lurn out I shall be on immediately Yours &c
A. Huston Qr ~Ir Gcnl
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