Mrs. Townsend expects to go in the Commanche- One of my white force has marched mounled-equiped and paid at my cost Estis takes my best Horse, rifle pistols etc and will march with the party for the Colorado reserve- He thinks strongly of forting east of the Brazos near Lhe timber for the Security of the families, and as a place of retreat, and for a hold stand in case the enemy force Lheir way acrost the Colorado, and will do it if he can gel a sufficient number to Join- We have 35 acres Corn planted and up, shall have 15 more in next week. the negrocs under l\ilrs Estis can tend it- but we give up Lhe thought of Cotton till my return and the defeat of Santa Anna I :shalJ h<' here some days lo arrange my affairs and then if I can get a horse will come to your place, and go from there to Velasco to embark, Should you conclude to send Emily and the children come here and let us make the needfull arrangements, We can al the same time finish the business of Brown Austins Estate best regards lo Emily and believe me truly and cordially H. Auslin [Addressed:] Mr Jas F Perry Peach Point
Head Quarters Washington 5th March 1836
To Major John Forbes Sir
You are hereby appointed Volunteer Aid de Camp, to the Commander in Chief of the Army of Texas, and will proceed forwith to Velasco, and in conjunction with Colonel John A. Wharton, forward the Troops, and Munitions of War, under an Order to him, dated the 2nd March Instant from this place, subject to the foUowing countermand - viz that the Supplies and Munitions will be sent no further South than Dimitts Landing. arms, and munitions are wanted in Camp, and prompt dispatch is required. Colonel Wharton and Major Forbes upon the completion of this Order will report to the Commander in Chief. Sam Houston Commander in Chief of the Army Geo. W. Hockley Aid de Camp.
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