me~ila1!: su ~bjelo unico es separar aquellas ferliles regiones del ter~1torio Mexicano, y aun avanzan a usurpar olros deparlamenlos. Ast se comprueba por los documenlos que sc incerlan en el diario de) supremo Gobierno, de 8 de febrcro ullimo vcnido por el corrco de hoy. . La union inlima de _los Mexicanos, la sumision al supremo Gob1erno, nos daran el lmmfo sobre esa horda mise rable de vandido~. La Nacion Mexicana es fuerle y poderosa,'y no tiene un solo lraidor entre sus hijos. EI odio a la clominacion eslranacra e~t_inguira la funesta discorclia, depondra las animosidarles quei:,no~ chv1clen, y formaremos una columna inexpungable de valienles que hara morder el polvo a esos corbardes invasores. . . Sinaloence~: y IVA el Suprema Gobierno Nacional, y la mlegmlad del Temtorio de la Republica. Culican Marzo 4 de 1836.
Pedro Sanchez
[2244J [AUSTIN to PERRY]
Brazoria 5 March /36
Mr J as ·F Perry .Mr Dear Sir
I am here to embark by the first vessel for N Orleans, to Meet Stephen, raise money, send out provisions and return with all possible dispatch It appears to me, it would he judicious for you to send Emily and the younger children, for altho I do not believe the enemy can ever penetrate into the hcarl of the Brazos timber, still I fear our hardest figh ling will be on the Colorado or upper Bra- zos, and the anxiety which Emily would feel al having Lhe enemy so near, the apprehension of a possible rising of the ncgroes, and the danger that the Indians may avail themselves of the opptunity for plunder, and make an inroad, will distress her much and proba- bly impair her health-besides you would feel much relieved and be more at liberly for personal exertions, were your family in a place of safety- I will take charge of them, and altho the captn of the Comanche says he shall have no room for pasengcrs and will lake me only in consideration of my being an old sailor, we could enduce him easily to take your family-
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