Independent Republic. If we succeed in maintaining it, of which I have no doubt, I would not leave Texas for any country on earth. The soil, climate and other advantages which we possess render it the most desirable country in the world. There is 110 part of the United States where industry and attention lo business of every kind is so well rewarded. I hope at some future day after we have succeeded in establishing our Independence and settled down under a permanent and good Government that you will emigrate to this country to spend the evening of your life. If my life is spared, I know I can acquire an independance in a few years, after the present war is over-sufficient for myself and such of my Father's family as choose lo share it-at present I can embark in no business with safety. My present employment enables me lo lay up something besides supporting myself. Money is in great demand and I think I shall draw on you through Handy and Lusk for 2 or 3 hundred dollars. I can use it to good advantage-if I should do so I trust you will be prepared lo meet it. The manner in which I presume Thompson left must give yourself and mother much uneasiness, but do not be disturbed on his account. If he needs assistance I wilJ help him. As for myself I have many good friends in Texas who would help me if in · difficulty. My health is now very good. My love to Mother, brother, and sisters, and all friends and acquaintances-I can not name them. Yours affec. E. P. Pease P.S. Do not fail of writing soon and often and send papers direct to San Felipe, Texas via Fort Jessup, La. and pay the postage to the line. (2243] [SANCHEZ to PUBLIC) El Licenciado Pedro Sanchez Primer Vocal y presidente de la Junta Departamental en Ejercicio del Gobierno de Sinaloa a sus Habitantes. Conciudadanos: la perfidia de los aventureroa de Teja~ que han osado insultar el honor nacionalesta ya plenamente descub1erta. No es la conslitucion del ano de 24 que hipocrilamente han invocado la que intentan soslener: la mas negra traicion es la que
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