Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

emigrante to Texas_ with ~e,_ and shall, in a few days, have an agent at the convention wluch 1s now setting. . .I will communicate to the public the terms on which men can JOm men, when my agent returns. But this much is now certain, they will he favorable. Those who go to Texas this year will readily find employment on good terms. '

Your friend, Felix Huston.

(2242) [ PEASE to PEASE]

Washington Texas March 4 1836

Dear Father

I am almost tired of writing and receiving no answers. It is almost a year since I parted with you at Bastrop, and have received hut two letters from you, one written in New Orleans and another from Enfield dated about the last of July. I have however heard from you lately through Mr. Townsend and Mr. Sayre of this country. The latter Gentleman I think informed me that he had met you in New York sometime in the month of November last. We have now a mail route established from San Felipe to connect with the United States mail at Fort Jessup, and I trust communications will be transmitted more safe than they have heretofore been. I wish you to direct your communications by that route hereafter, and I will send mine by that route also. A gentleman from Goliad a few days since informs me that Thompson is with the volunteers at that place, and wished him to inform me. This is the first notice I have received of his being in the country, although he has been in the country two months or more. I have written him and shall probably receive an answer in a few days, when I will write you again. He is in good health. I presume that he must have left Connecticut without your knowledge or he would have brought letters for me. I am (as I have often expressed in my letters before this) very anxious to know what your views are about emigrating to this country. I rejoice that you did not emigrate previous to the commencement of this war and hope that you will not think of it until it terminates. The convention which assembled at this place on the first of this month has declared Texas a free and



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