Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

capacity as an editor he has most ably advocated and supported the cause of Texas against Mexican tyranny; he has travelled through most of the Slates during the last five months to induce the departure of volunteers for Texas, & believing it to be his duty to support in the present emergency that cause by his sword which he has hitherto advocated with his pen & purse, he sacrifices pro. tem. his prospects here, & leaves us to join the Texian Army. While in Texas Mr. A. will at all times have the control of the columns of the above named journals as a correspondent from your country. He is an honorable, talented & brave young man, & as such I herewith commend him to your notice. I have the honor to be Sir, Your Servant Billings Hayward, proprietor of the Transcript. [addressed:] David G. Burnet Esq. [2241] [HUSTON~--------] Natchez, March 4, 1836. Dear Sir: Your will be surprised, probably, to hear that I am going to Texas, but such is the case. I contemplate starting about the first of May, and expect to take with me about five hundred emigrants. I am making preparation for arms, ammunition,-uniforms, &c. &c. at an expense of $40,000, and shall have a rendezvous, and begin to send on supplies by the first of !\'lay. I wish to get some men from Kentucky. I should find no difficulty in getting as many as I want here, but there will be more difficulty in rejecting those I do not want, and who will not suit me, than in obtaining offers. I intend to arm and unform the men well, and provide supplies for 12 months, and I wish not to risk my fortune, my life, and my honor, with men on whom I cannot rely. Such as go with me must be willing cheerfully to undergo the hardships and privations incidental to such enterprises, and preserve strict discipline. · I wish to get hardy, active, and enterprising men, who have made up their minds and will abide by their resolution. I am making arrangements to.obtain advantageous terms for those who


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