dearer, and more ennobling lo me. ll is the course of Liberty, of ll_1c oppressed against the Tyrant, of the free man against the bigoted slave, and, what recommends il more strongly to me, of the weak against the strong. If I fall, let me fall- ll is one of the chances of the game I play-a casualty to which every soldier is liable. ~I y prayer has been, since my earliest recollection, lo die on the field of battle, with the shout of victory in my cars; and, if il is the will of high Heaven, that that fate should meet me now, I will not murmur and you should not. Rememhcr that your religion teaches that death is but a change of scene. But all this is of no avail. Perhaps a brief retrospect of the events of our campaign, up to this period, would be interesting to you. On the 24th day of January 1836, lhe Georgia Battalion of Volunteers, (of which I was Adjutant), consisting of four Companies, sailed from Velasco, at the ~louth of the Brazos, in two vessels. Our object was primarily, to attack and lake Matamoras, and thus form a point of rendezvous, and concentration for· volunteers from the U. Stales, for a more ex tensive invasion of Mexico. Our inten lion was to allow Liberal principles, and support for the time, the federation of 1824, and thus revolu lionize Tamaulipas, the greater portion of whose citizens are opposed to Santa Ana, and to secure our fool hold in Mexico. The fourth day, we debarked al Copano, and after a days march, we pitched our tents at the .Mission of Refugio, and waited for the promised munitions and reinforcements. They never arrived. In the mean time, our spy, who had preceded us, returned with the intelligence, that the people of Tamaulipas were opposed to any severance of the Republican bonds, and would not favor our project, if Texas declared itself independent. He also informed us, that Santa Ana was concentrating his troops, to the number, of from 7 to 12,000 men, al Matamoras, Laredo, Saltillo, Monclova, and Monterey, for the purpose of invading Texas, and punishing his rebellious subjects, wilh a war of extermination. \Ve retreated to Goliad, and commenced fortifying and preparing for the threatened storm. We have remained here ever since, busily employed, in gelling in provisions, military stores, picketing, ditchirw and mounlina cannon, for our defence. O' 0 Santa Ana's army is now in motion. and our almost unprotected frontier, is the dcslincd goal of its oprrations. One of
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