Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

tim~ of 27 days to pn:pair for 1md1 au awf11II 1:v1:11I. and ab,, lo mak'! proper appli<;ali<Jn lo your Excd1:11ci1:Hfor a p:Jrdrm; th,,ugh the -th se<;lion of the orga11ic Law rc'l11ircs 111111. a ri:ai.,r,nc.1l,l1; time mall he allowed lo every convid for tlii:- i111p11rla11t p11q,1,s1;. That in the making up of i;aid s1:11ll:11cc we d,, not think that .:Uffii::ient comideration was given tu tfo: distance of th,: c;rJUrl from the .seat of Government, the l,a<l slate: of the rc,ads the thinlv peopled condition of the country a11d lite consn1w;nl difficult)· which must attend any distant journey. We therefore all prey that the ~ntence of the siad court may l,c suspended for the tirm of one calendar month to give the condemned an opportunity of laying the ca....:e farely and fuUy before the executive and reap all the benifits that were intended to be conce<led there by the above named Law. Liberty ~larch the 3rd 1836 Sarni Williams

Joseph L. Dugat \Vm D Smith Lewis Odom J no A \Villiams ~lillon Yates Charles Dorsett John Dorsett

(2238] [AUSTIN to PERRY]

Louisville March 4. 1836

Dr Brother,

The ice and a severe attack of influency and pluricy de- tained us at NashvilJe-Wharton remained there sick but we expect him dayly-1 am now in pritty good health shall go up to Lexing- ton and thence on by MarysvilJe up the Ohio- Every thing is cheering in this part of the world for Texas The hearts of this people are with us- Nothing is now needed but union at home and an absolute and immediate declaration of inde- pendence- I hope it is already made by the convention and an express dispatched with it for the commissioners- The most perfect harmony exists bclween all the commis- sioners-Archer is truly a noble fellow. I have never known him intimately before, and I am very much attached Lo him- Wharton and myself are on the best of terms and I have no doubt will always continue lo be in future-it is not my fault that we ever were otherwise-heretofore we [have] not known each olher per-


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