Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

The citizens of this municipality are all our enemies, except those who have joined us heretofore. We have three Mexicans now in the fort; those who have not joined us in this extremity, should be declared public enemies, and their property should aid in paying the expenses of the war. The bearer of this will give your honorable body a statement more in detail, should he escape thr0twh the enemy's 1 . 0 mes. God and Texas - Victory or Death Your Obedient servant W. Barret Travis Lieut-Col. Com. P.S. The enemy's troops are still arriving, and lhe reinforcements will probably amount to two or three thousand T (2235] [TRAVIS to GRIMES] [March 3, 1836] Dear Sir: Do me the favor to send the enclosed to its proper destination instantly. I am still here, in fine spirits and well to do, with 145 men. I have held this place 10 days against a force variously estimated from 1,500 to 6,000, and shall continue to hold it tiU I get relief from my countrymen, or I will perish in its defense. We have had a shower of bombs and cannon balls continually falling among us the whole time, yet none of us has fallen. We have been miraculously preserved. You have no doubt seen my official report of the action of the 25th ult. in which we repulsed the enemy with considerable loss; on the night of the 25th they made another attempt to charge us in the rear of the fort, but we received them gallantly by a discharge of grape shot and musquetry, and they took to their scrapers immediately. They are now encamped in entrenchments on all sides of us. All our couriers have gotten out without being caught and a company of 32 men from Gonzales got in two nights ago, and Colonel Bon!1am got in today by coming between the powder house and the enemy's upper encampment. . . . Let the Convention go on and made a declaration of independence, and we will then understand, and the world will understand, what we


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