Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

there is a large supply of arms ammunition & CloLhing here which without troops cannot be protected- Capt Turner got an order Lo day from James W Robinson self styled Commander irr Chief of the Army Lo proceed immediately to Bexar-Capt Roman is also ordered & this place will be left defenceless-Turner's Commission comes from Robinson & Roman has received none yet- For God sake sir consider what will become of the property & lives of the Citizens should the enemy land here-it is beleived on good authority that a simultaneous attack will be made by sea & land-I am the Commanding officer & the troops shall obey no other orders but yours-I dont know any other Governor-send me an express with orders how lo acl discretionary or otherwise- Send me also a Commission for volunleer Capt Ried Roman-one of your Commission for --- Dawson & Regular Commissions for Somers Turner Casey & Miller the firsl names can be left blank & I will fill them and swear the officers- I will obey your orders If they are to march to the devil but the thing the other Governor/ will not Did you know the anxiety here you would dispatch an express forthwith- I am Sir Your friend In great hasle Geo. W Poe asist Inspector Gen'l Commanding (2230] [SAN FELIPE COMMITTEE to CITIZENS] [San Felipe, ca. March 3, 1836] Citizens of Texas, one and all, arouse. Mr. Powers, Mr. Lamar, and other gentlemen from the Nueces, have just brought intelligence that the whole Mexican army amounting to not less than eight thousand men are on our frontier. The inhabitants of Powers and McMullin's colonies have abandoned their homes, and are flocking into the colonies, giving up their stocks of all sorts. In ten days, the people of the Colorado and Brazos will share the same fate, unless all turn out, to conquer or to die.

Signed San Felipe Committee


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