laudable interest for the welfare of Texas, would beg -------- the agents would pay .to the order of Mr. Beck, the Sum of Fifty dollars-I would refer the above accounts as to its validity lo the Certificate of Capt. Hawkins-
I remain Your E. Morehouse
Wm. Bryan Esq New Orleans
I, Wm B. G. Tayler a Justice of Peace for the Parish of ----------Certify that I was called upon by Mr. Beck-to due-the Captain and Passengers of the Brig ~lalawanikeag-for the value of Laid Boat-fifty Dollars-hut at the instigation of Captain Hawkins-and with the consent of Mr. Beck-I have agreed to submit the settlement of the matter lo the Agency of Texas for the benefit of the cause in General-Wm BL Farland
Schooner Independence, S.W. Pas.$, March 3, 1836
Wm Bryan-Esq-. Excuse this letter-I am off the Matawamkiag would be detained if I had ---------- the course I have, & I strongly recommend that you pay the Fifty Dollars to Capt. Christian Beck on order. We aU Sail together in a few moments, & with high spirits.
Respectfully Yours Truly- Chas. E. Hawkins
[2229] [POE to SMITH]
Hcad Quarters Velasco 3d ~larch 1836
I have been ordered to this point & Galveston for the
purpose of fortyfying them against the Enemy
Captain Turner's Company of Regular Troops & Capt Roman's of volunteers are here one (Turners) 43 strong & Romans, 35 strong-I have received letters from the Citizens beseeching me not to remove the troops from here-to leave one Company here to defend the place & one Company al Galveston-they have offered to work with hands & oxen in the Construction of Batteries & mounting the Cannon-moreover
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