that the l\lexican people have acquiesced in the destn,clion of their liberty, and the substitution therefor of a military government; that they are unfit to be free, and incapable of self government. The necessity of self-preservation, therefore, now decrees our eternal political separation. We, therefore, the delegates, with plenary powers, of the people of Texas, in solemn convention assembled, appealing lo a candid world for the necessities of our condition, do hereby resolve and declare, that our political connection with the i\Jexican nation has forever ended, and that. the people of Texas do now constitute a free, sovereign, and independent republic, and are fully invested with all the rights and attributes which properly belong lo independent nations; and, conscious of the rectitude of our intentions, we fearlessly and confidently commit the issue Lo the supreme Arbiter of the destinies of nations.
Richard Ellis, president of the convention & delegate from Red River
Charles B. Stewart
Saml A. l\laverick from Bejar
Thos Barnett
Sam P. Carson
John S. D. Byrom
A. Briscoe J.B. Woods
Franco. Ruiz
J. Antonio Navarro Jesse 8. Badgett Wm. D. Lacey William Menefee Mathew Caldwell William Mottley Lorenzo de Zavala Jno. Fisher
Jas CoUinsworth
Edwin Waller Asa Brigham
Geo. C. Childress Bailey Hardeman
Rob. Potter
Thomas Jefferson Rusk
Chas. S-Taylor John S. Roberts Robert Hamilton Collin McKinney Albert I-1. Latimer
Geo. W. Smyth
Elijah Stapp
Claiborne West Wm. B. Scates M. 8. Menard A. B. Hardin J. W. Bunton Thos. J. Gazley R. M. Coleman
James Power Sam Houston David Thomas Edwd. Conrad Marlin Parmer
Sterling C. Robertson Edwin 0. LeGrand Benja. Briggs Goodrich Stephen W. Blount
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