Amt of Government debts on 25 February Ult. Amt of Government debts on 1 March 1836
$42146.52 In liquidating the accounts of John M Bradley I paid him his note of $2.00 and Credited John Applemans note of 8185. the amount of his claim admitted to audit Making an aggregate of $152.00 to be deducted from the amount of notes filed in my office for settlement with claimants which leaves the balance at $961 .65½ to be deducted from the Claims yet to be presented. I will here remark I have reported lo the Convention. I understood the Convention had formed themselves into a legislative Character appointed a Committee to wait on His Excellency the (ex) Governor, the Lieutenant Governor and Council. I am now informed the Committee is not appointed for fear I may be in error I have thought proper to report to your excellency a Copy in substance of the one alluded lo with sentiments of high regard I remam Your obedient Servant
J W Moody auditor Pub a/c for Texas
(2225] [SMITH to PUBLIC]
Executive Department, Washington, March 2nd, 1836. Fellow-Citizens of Texas: The enemy are upon us. A strong force surrounds the walls of the Alamo, and threaten that garrison with the sword. Our country imperiously demands the service of every patriotic arm; and longer to continue in a state of apathy will be _criminal. Citizens of Texas, descendants of Washington, awake! Arouse yourselves! The question is now to be decided, are we now to continue free men or bow beneath the rod of military despotism? Shall we, without a struggle, sacrifice our fortunes, our liberties and our lives, or shall we imitate the example of our forefathers·and hurl destruction on the heads of our oppressors? The eyes of ihe world are upon us. All friends of liberty and the rights of men are anxious spectators of our conflict, or are enlisted in our cause. Shall we disappoint their hopes and expectations? No! Let us at once fly to arms, march to the battle-field, meet the foe, and give
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