Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

P.S. It is rumored that the enemy are on their march lo Gonzales, and that they have entered the colonies. The fate of Bexar is unknown. The country must and shall be defended. The patriots of Texas are appealed to in behalf of their bleeding country. [2223] [JONES, ET AL to PUBLIC]

Friends and Citizens of Texas, --

Information, of a character not lo be questioned, has just been received from Col. Fannin, which states that Santa Anna, al the head of four thousand men, has crossed the San Antonio river, leaving Goliad in his rear, and is moving upon our public stores, and thence to Gonzales. This force is independent of the army under Siezma, before Bejar. A general turn out has co111menced and is going on here and westward, and as far as known. Citizens in every part of the country, it is hoped, will be no less ready to defend their homes, their wives, and children. We advise that every armed vessel which can be had should be despatched at once, to scout the Gulf, and all points where most likely lo intercept the stores and supplies of the enemy, and every precau lion adopted for protecting our own stores. John R. Jones Thomas Gay Standing Committee San Felipe, March 2, 1836 [2224) [MOODY to ROBINSON]

Washington 2d .March 1836

His Excellency James W Robinson . In conformity with the existing laws there bemg no quorum . Since the 25th February Ult. up to the first of ~larch inclusive I have admitted to audit and drafted for on account of Contingent expences 57.50 Civil expences 616.00 2262.~0 lVIilitary expenccs .., 2936.00 of the Council I beg leave to report


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