may answer the full expectations of the people at home and abroad, I subscribe myself with sentiments of the highest regard and consideration,
Your obedient servant, Henry Smith, Governor.
March 1, 1836.
[R. M. Williamson, Gonzales, lo W. B. Tra,1s, Bexar, !\larch l, 1836, about aid for the Alamo.]
(2218] [BROOKS to BROOKS]
Fort Defiance in Goliad, Head Quarters, Army of Texas, March 2, 1836.
My dear Mother:-
ln my letters to Father and Sister a few days since, I apprizcd you of some of the events transpiring on the western frontier of Texas, and of our contemplated movements. Since the date of those letters, circumstances have occurred which have materially changed our system of operations for the present. I informed you that the advance of the J\·lexican Army consisting of 2000 men had attacked Bexar or Baiar. the town which was surrendered by Gen. Cos, to the Americans, and that we were preparing to march to its relief-it being garrisoned by 156 men, among whom is "Davy Crockett." We marched at the time appointed, with 420 men, nearly the whole force at Goliad, leaving only one Company of Regulars lo guard the Forl. Our baggage wagons and artillery were all drawn by oxen (no broken horses could be obtained) and there were but a few yokes of them. In attempting lo cross the San Antonio River, three of our wagons broke down and it was with the utmost labor and personal hazzard, that our four pieces of cannon were conveyed safely across. We remained there during the day, with our ammunition wagon on the opposite side of the River. During the night, some of the oxen strayed off and could not be found the next morning. Our situation became delicate and
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