the presenl inslan_cc, is obviously unjusl and oppressive, for Lhe several reasons assigned above-and for others not necessary to be enumcralcd. Your mcmorialist, therefore, prays that the honorable Convention now in session, will order and ordain, that the duties & charges so assessed upon him, be remitted released and forever disannullcd, and Lhat Lhe said Collector & all others be directed and enjoined to abstain from all attempts to collect the same.-
]. Morgan
New Washington 1st March 1836
To the President and Members of the Convcnlion of the People of Texas: Gentlemen: Called lo the gubernatorial chair by your suffrages at the last convention, I deem il a duty lo lay before your honorable body a view, or outline, of what has transpired since your last meeting, respecting Lhe progress and administration of the government placed under my charge, as created and contemplated by the Organic Law. The council, which was created lo co-operate with me as the dcvisors of ways and means, having complied with all the duties assigned to them, by the third article of the Organic Law, was adjourned on the 9th of January last, until the 1st of the present month. The agents appointed by your body, to the United States, to contract a loan and perform the duties of agents generally, have been dispatched and arc now actively employed in the discharge of their functions, in conformity with their instructions; and, while at the city of New Orleans, contracted a loan under certain stipulations, which, together with their correspondence on that subject, are herewith submitted for your information. Gen. Sam Houston, Col. John Forbes and Dr. Cameron were commissioned on the part of this government to treat with the Cherokee Indians and their associate bands, in conformity with the declaration of the convenlion in November last, who have performed their labors as far as circumslances would permit, which is also submitted to the consideration of your body. Our naval preparations arc in a stale of forwardness. The schooners of
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