upon others to contribute. Thal he also contributed to the fittina out of armed vessels and the enlistment of volunteer troops for th~ s~rvice of Texas. Thal he attended several public meetings and al all bmes, where he had an opportunity, explained lo the people, the true nature & cause of the disquietude in Texas; and that he especially sought & had frequent interviews, with the Editors of the leading Newspapers in the City of N. York, and flatters himself he has been somewhat instrumental in acquiring their powerful influence in behalf of Texas-Thal the mere delay, not lo name his contingent personal expenditures, necessary lo-effect these impor- tant purposes, were attended with heavy loss to your memorialisl, as all merchants with a large amount of Capital actually invested in seasonable goods, may readily understand. And your mcmorialisl would further represent, that having as he believed effectually discharged an important duty lo his Country, he dispatched the two vessels, the Schooners Flash and Kosciusko, laden with his merchandise for Galveston Bay. Thal they sailed from New York about the first of November and were directed to touch at the Balize, mouth of the Mississippi, for your memorialisl, who was sti!J detained in N. York on business which he conceived of vast importance to Texas, for some days after their departure; and then proceeded overland to New Orleans for the purpose of making other necessary arrangements in regard to Texas, prior to his final departure for that Country. That he departed from New Orleans early in December, joining his vessels at the 13alize-the Flash & Kosciusko, & proceeded on lo Galveston Bay, at great hazard of capture from Mexican Cruisers, then known lo be on the Coast. That when he left New Orleans, he had not heard nor did he know or immagine, that a Custom House had been or would be established in Texas, during her be!Jigerenl relation with the new authorities of Mexico. But on the contrary, that he regarded the idea of such an establishment, or any thought whatever, to levy impost duties, and especially to exact an entrance duly on foreign vessels, as altogether improbable. For he considered that these were eminently & clearly, acts which appertain only to a government of plenal sovereignty; and he could not suppose that the "provisional Government of Texas," while contending for the restoration of the Federal Constitution of 1824, would assume the exercise of a form which the Stale of Coahuila and Texas never then had aspired to, but which was especially vested by that Constitution in the Federal authorities. Your memorialst begs leave to further stale that Texas had never then, claimed lo be an independent sovereign power; and he cannot forbear to remark but with great deference to the
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