To the honorable the Convention of Texas assembled at the town,of Washington- The memorial of James Morgan a citizen of Texas would respectfully represent- That your memorialist a Merchant, extensively engaged in the importation of merchandise; that he has been a resident of Texas for several years-That in the month of April last, he proceeded to the City of New York for the purpose of perfecting his business arrangements there, and of returning to his adopted Country, furnished with means adequate lo an important commer- cial establishment, at the town of New Washington, recently laid off by himself, al the estuary of the River San Jacinto-That in the months of August & September last your memorialist purchased in the City of New York a large amount of Merchandise, which he could have, very conveniently introduced into Texas & disposed of before the present organization of a Custqm House ha<l been made, or thought of; and at a time when no one paid, or was required to pay, any public charges, either impost or Tonnage, in her Ports-But after your memorialist had made his investments and when he was nearly ready to embark his property and himself, he heard of the revolution in Mexico, and of the consequent agitated condition of Texas, and the probability of the serious rupture between her & the new Government of Mexico. That the friends and Stipendiaries of that Government were early & actively engaged, throughout the United States, and especially in the City of New York, striving by every artful & insidious device lo enlist the sympathies & Conciliate the good feeling of the people of that great emporium toward the revolution, and in prejudice of the "Colonists of Texas" who it was well understood would not quickly submit to the establishment of a Central and in all probability a despotic Government in their Quarter of the Republic. That your memorialist perceiving the great danger and manifold injuries that were likely to result lo his favorite & adopted land, from these intrigues, if they should be permitted to operate without any adequate measures of counter- action, was induced to suspend his preparations for an immediate departure; and to exert all the means in his power, not only to defeat them, but to disseminate more correct views of the situation, conduct & designs, of his fellow citizens of Texas, than those emisaries of despotism were so assiduously circulating-That he believes he was successful in several important instances & prevailed
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