(2214] [MACOl\'18 to ROBINSON]
March 1st 1836 New York
My dear Sir.
A M~xican Minister arrived in this City two days since. A rumor prevailed that he came post haste lo sell Texas to the United States. I have just learned that such is the fact, and that President Jackson declares that Texas "will belong lo the United in a week" The sources of my information are highly respectable and can be implecetly relied on. There can be no doubt of the fact. I in the absence the protracted absence of the commissioners have drawn up an argument and protest against the right of Santa Anna to sell our sovereignty. The national law is opposed lo it. I have transmitted it through a friend; (Secretary Woodbury) to General Jackson, it may cause him to pause ere he buy a "pig in a poke." I am still waiting here for the commissioners to supply me with funds to purchase the articles; arms and munitions of war, for which I was ordered "to the North ." But no funds have been transmitted lo me, nor have I received a line or word from them since my arrival. It appears, however, that funds are plenty, or, else, they would not have ordered the purchase of a steamer on this city. Mr. Yates was supplied with funds to purchase a Steam ship while I have been left unsupplied, when ordered to purchase arms & munitions of war which the Council of the Provl. Govt. solemnly declared "to be necessary for the army, and solemnly ordained and decreed should be purchased by me under the direction of the commissioners-The council as it is well known to you, when the Navy bill was before it, solemnly rejected the proposition to purchase a Steamer by every vote but Wharton's. I was ordered by the Commander in chief to return to Texas by the first of March,.this very day, and here am I with all the arms and munitions contracted for, and no money to pay for them, while at the same time, funds, of the [torn] Texas are in the hands of Mr. Yates al the [torn J in this city, disbursed for other objects, not [torn] authorized by law? I have written to y[ torn] protesting against their application lo such an object. If I do not receive [torn] in two days I shall leave this for Wash( torn] if my services on the purchase can Le dis[ torn] I wil~ relu_rn immediately to Texas an[torn] myself lo the Commander m Chief of the [torn] With sentiments of great regard & esteem I am sincerely James W Robinson David B ~lacomb President of Council of Texas
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