Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

will form a junction & if informed speedily I will push oul 200 and cooperate-we shall not be able to bring two pieces of cannon I think Wharton will try and go by Gonzales or if he saw my express and that was the day it passed Victoria, may endeavor to find me near where you are stationed I would advise you either to return here with the provisions or proceed to Gonzales and hold conferrence with the officers in command-I am in hourly expectation of either an attack or information of the near approach of the enemy I also hope to hear from St. Felipe & to learn that 1000 citizens are out-Mr. Royall informs me that our agents in N. 0. gives information of large quantities of supplies being shipd. for here by the l\'lexican Govt. and hence their desire to gain this place to keep up a chain of communication and cover the coast. It is equally important for us lo retain it and cover our own scanty stock-Under all the circumstances I was unable to move and do trust no bad effects will follow I would risk life and all for our brave men in the Alamo, but circumstanced as I was and even now am I could not, do otherwise If you can communicate this to them and adopt the following cipher in your communications double the alphabet and uniformly an A. for Z. B. for Y. and X for C. &c & so vice versa inform all officers of this and should any despatches fall into their hands they will not be the gainers by it.-

Write me & forward by expresses- In hast I am &c- J. W. Fannin

[addressed:] Capts. Desauque Chenoworth or other Volunteer Officers of Texas Cibolo or elsewhere


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