Head Quarters Army Texas 5 oclock, P.M. lsl mch 1836
Capts Desauque & Chenworth
Yours of 28th ult. was recd. this evening & I hasten to answer it, aggreeable to previous arrangements I marched the troops the evening you left & with much difficulty got two waggons & partly across the river one mile above not having provisions but for one day and having only sixty seven men & no provisions for them in the Garrison Two waggons stalled & another could not be got over in this situation they were encamped for the night expecting trains from below The messenger dispached whilst you were here not having returned, about this time an express arrived from Matagorda giving us intelligence of the arrival of more provisions stores clothing &c and shortly afterwards another came in from San Patricio giving us the unpleasant information that our countrymen under the command of Col. Johnson were attacked and inhumanely murdered mostly after surrendering except five who have arrived here (last night) (To wit) Col. Johnson Love Miller Fuler & Beck In this situation not able to go forward and what was then understood & belcived to be a division or its advance to the west coming against this post a council of war was unanamously demanded of me by the Volunteer officers and granted of course it was resolved to be inexpedient to attempt lo go forward and that we should return and complete the Fortification and await our doom until releived whipped or we conquer- I have some quantity of Beef cattle and hope soon to have more, and Flour, Clothing &c I immediately forwarded an express to Washington Demitts Landing &c. and one after any provisions that might beon the way to Bexar and inform them of our movements also the committee of safety of Gonzales-I will soon bring to bear this place-which I think can be defended some time by 200 men and am informed by persons from Victoria that Col. Wharton crossed the Guadaloupc on Saturday with 270 men and 9 carts with about 70 Barrels flour and proceded toward Bejar-If you can find him or communicate with Gonzales and know how many volunteers
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