league claims not located in strict conformity with law void as to their location (See Constitution). During the short space of [blank] days the present Constition was formed and the late government ad interim organized. You know all about that. Bunet & Carson were run for President Carson then was elected Secretary of State. Rusk beat Potter for Secy of War Potter then beat Fisher for Seer. of the Navy. All the candidates nominated for atty genl offered to name their claims in my favor if I would accept which I declined upon the ground that a battle decisive of the existence of the Country was obliged soon to [be] fought as I then stated when the lives of my friends & the existence my Country was to be periled I chose to be with them. I shall never forget the alarm manifested by many honorable members of the Convention the night the news arrived of the fall of the Alamo. The venerable President of that body rose in his seat with much trepedation and pulling a small pistol from his pocket proposed adjourning to Bradshaws, as the enemy would [be] upon us before morning. This was objected to & overruled. But the news of the fall of the alimo was umpleasing music to the ears of these afroesaid land speculators and they were willing to lead the retreat & abandon for a time their unhallowed specula- tions. And when now [sic] they when the souls of men were tried. The Commander in Chief was also ap'pointed by the Convention and as Chairman of the Committee on military affairs I reported a resolution appointing San Houston &C. This met with but little opposition except from Robert Poller who opposed it in a long & animated speech in which he urged many objections. (I wish you could get Farris notes & journal as it would throw much light on this subject.) My return to Brazoria and subsequently rejoing [sic] the army and all the subsequent operations are •as well known to youself as to me all of which you saw & part of which you was My health from the time I came to the Country has precluded me from taking any part in the proceedings that led to, and what was done in the Consultation, hence you will be enabled to get better informa- tion from others. And in the San Antonio expedition there were few things of much interest except the battle of Conception our demands surrender promises to that effect chasing the white crane and sundry little anecdotes of which I have occasionally spoken to. [Endorsed by M. B. Lamar] From Judge Collingsworth
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