your Excellency will order that they be taken care of by the Army Commissary. For God and Liberty. [Villa of Guerrero] February 1836 Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana. General of Division Vicente Filisola, Second in Command of the Army of Operations. (2209) [THOMSON and PATTILLO to ROBINSON]
Washington Council hall [February, 1836]
To his excellency J. W. Robinson acting Governor &c
The advisory committee appointed to act in the absence of a quorum, being informed that a company of rangers, commanded by Cpt. Tumlinson, are ready for service, and also been informed, that a large force of the enemy are now at Bejar, would therefore advise your excellency that you issue your order to Cpt. Tumlin- son, to immediately proceed to Bejar to aid the army there,-and that the milletia class 'cl No. 5, that are above the San Antonio road in the municipality of Mina, be ordered to guard the frontier from Indian depredation-and signify the same to Major Williamson-They would further remark that they have had the co[m]munications of Cpt Turner, and Col. Hartcout, un[der] consideration, and would advise, that Cpt Turner be ordered to Bejar with all the troops he can get for[th] with-And that Col. Harcourt be inform'd that his offer, is gratefully recd and was it in our power, we ,vould gladly comply with his proposals, but as there is no vacancy at this time we cannot, all we can do, is to place his name first on the list, and assure him that as soon as there is an opportunity, his wishes shall be comply[ed] with-and would recommend that he, and the other two gentlemen with him, should go on to the west, and join the army, as we now think their services are more needed there than any where else and in their opinion, the first fortifications that will be made on the sea coast, will be on the west of the Brassos River-
Alexr Thomson G. A. Pattillo
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