Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

impossible to keep up a garrison with the volunteers. Do forward the regulars. Capt. Smith had been relieved, and I met him on his way home today. Captain Patton will return lo Lavaca county and bring on a company as soon as possible. I have sent to Captain Demit lo raise one hundred more men and march to Bexar forthwith, if it be invested; and if not to repair lo headquarters with his company. Captain Patton will do likewise. I would myself have marched lo Bexar but the Matamoras rage is up so high that I must see Colonel Ward's men. You have no idea of the difficulties I have encountered. Patton has told you of the men that make the trouble. Belter materials never were in ranks. The government and all its officers have been misrepresented to the army. I pray you send me copies of Austin's letters, or rather extracts. If the Council is in session I do wish they would say something about the Confederacy. Pleace send me frequent expresses and advise me of your pleasure. Sam Houston [1814 J [HUNT to ARCHER ET AL] [Randall Hunt, New Orleans, to Messrs. 8. T. Archer, etc., New Orleans, January 17, I836, thanking them for their praise of his role in the Correo-San Felipe trial and his "defence in the cause of Texas. "l [ 1815] [HUSTON to BARRETT]

New Orleans 17th January 1836

Permit me to introduce to your acquaintance Col. Gray of Virginia, he is a gentleman of high standing and moral worth, he visits Texas for the purpose of becoming acquainted with its future prospects, he has taken a part in the loan that our Commissioners has effected in this City, any information or facilities rendered him will be thankfully received by him, and duly appreciated by your friend and obdt & Humble Servt A Huston Col J. C. Barrett


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