Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

necessity of Being at Home a short time I should be truly happy to hear from you and to learn from you your views of the Result of our comeing Convention I am a candidate for a seat-and my friends think I must be Elected. But cant say positive till the Election is over.

With Sentiments of the Most Sincere Respect and Esteem I have the Honor To be Truley Yours S. H. Everett

[Addressed: ] Honorable D. C. Barret Member of the General Council of Texas Seat of Government

[1811) (HOUSTON to SMITH]

Head Quarters Goliad, Jany 17, 1836

To His Excellency Henry Smith, Governor of Texas · Sir: I have detached Col Hugh Love to Nacogdoches for the purpose of raising an auxiliary corps to the Main army, three hundred or more Indians of the Cherokees, Delaware, Shawnee, Kickapoo, and any other friendly tribes. Col. Love is detached to report in person at Head Quarters as early as practicable. If they agree to serve six months, Col. Love is authorized to offer as an inducement Seven Thousand Dollars to be equally divided among the individuals engaged. In addition to the seven thousand dollars, he is directed to offer one half of all property taken by them- the other half being reserved to the government. The approbation of yourself and the Council is respectfully solicited, as I deem it the most efficient auxiliary corps to the main army that can be raised. Sam Houston (Addressed:] To His Exy. Henry Smith, Governor San Felipe, Texas


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