Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

of opinion there may have been as to the time for this move, I hope there will be none now. The whole nation of all parties are against us; they have left us but one remedy-INDEPENDENCE. It is now necessary as a measure of self-defence. The United States, as a people, are ready to sustain it-we shall sink in their estimation if we do not adopt it. My health is greatly improved. I wish it had been as good in Texas-I should then have been more active and followed my own impulses &nd judgment, both of which are sufficiently indicated by my communications of 30th November, 2d December, and letter to you about that time. I shall try to be at home by the first week in March and preach Independence. Yours, respectfully, (To D. C. Barrett] S. F. Austin.

[ 1810] [EVERETI to BARRE'l'T]

Jasper, Texas, Jany. 17, 1836.

Hon. D. C. Barrett Dr. Sir.

I again address you and to ask again of you a favor. It is lo request of you your friendly Influence and aid in having Mr. I. H. Blount promoted to the rank of Cap.lain. Mr. Geo. Jas. Chessher has resigned his appointment and has with his Resignation Recom- mended lo the Council Mr. Blount. Mr. Blount was one of the Delegates from this municipality· and in confirming upon him the appointment of Captain you will coincide with the feelings & views of the Citizens of this Jurisdiction. .Mr. Hanks our member of The Council Seems to have thought more of his own faimily than of his friends who sent him lo Represent them as he has had both of his Brothers and Step Son appointed to officers in the Regular army. the people here seem to hink that there are others who are as much Entitled lo office as Mr. Hanks family By giving your Influence to Mr. Blount you will confer a favor on !\'le. and I would not ask it of you if I did not think He was worthy of the Rank. Politics Run high here. We have almost as many Candidates in the field as we have Inhabitants in the Jurisdiction. I would come on and Relieve Mr. Hanks but for the positive


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