Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4

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To the Honorable the President and members of the General Council: Genllemen:- 1 have on this day approved and signed, "An ordinance and decree creating a new municipality to be called Colorado, and for organizing the same." "A resolutio11 allowing Doctor H. H. Cone ninety-five dollars." I herewith transmit for your information a letter from L. De Zavala Esq., to Captain Dimitt, of the commandancy of of the fortress of Goliad, in relation to an expedition against the town of Matamoras. A copy of the certificate of James H. Bowman is also communicated, detailing facts in relation to Doctor Grant and Captain Burke of the volunteer army; all of which is very respectfully submitted to your consideration. I remain with sentiments of high consideration, Your obedient servant, James W. Robinson January 16th, 1836.

[ 1808] [WHARTON ET AL to SMITH}

Dr. Sir,

When we arrived here, we found the cause of Texas ''flat." She had not credit for 25 cents. This was produced by the opposition of certain Mercantile Houses, and Insurance offices, who had transactions with the ports of the interior of Mexico; and, also, by the indecisive tone of our declaration. With much exertion, both publicly & privately we have succeeded, in a great degree, in stemming the current, and eliciting sympathy in our favour. The $200,000 loan was negotiated under the existence of this feeling of opposition. It has done much for us. It has created confidence and given us credit; and the signs of the times indicate all to hope and nothing to fear. Let us urge upon you, again & again, that you would use all your influence to cause the next convention, on the first day of their meeting, if possible, to ratify this loan, and to make an absolute declaration of Independence. And that you


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