Jan 14 1836 to Mar 5 1836 - PTR, Vol. 4


San felipe de Austin Jany 16th 1836 Recd of Abraham Williams on account for the use of the

Provisional Govml to wit-

Twelve Kegs Powder and four Boxes of small bar lead

John Mc.Mullan Chairman of Committee on finance

[1804] [MOODY to COUNCIL]

Auditors Office 16th January 1836 To the honourable the President and Members of the General Council inclosed is an account presented of more than Ordinary Character the young Man W. Belden received a wound in the eye while spiking the enemies Cannon which occasioned the intire loss of his right eye and under. Special operation remains yet lo be performed to remove some of the bone of the now driven into to the socket of the eye as he informs me. and as is apparent from observation he also advanced cash for enirely furnished viz •········· in his account. he is a promising young man or rather was so. I have no doubt by you will award him such donation as the circumstance of the case requires. it would be well to have him before you so that your honourable body would be the better enabled to measure lo him that patriotism remuneration contemplated in the resolution of the 11th nov last. With high considerations of Esteem I remain your obt Servt- J. W. Moody Auditor P. S. the Recommendation & letter please have the goodness to return with your proceeding had on his account J.W.M.

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