dence- I hope it will be unanimous- I wish I was there to urge it. I would do so by every means in my power. A number of vessels arc filling out in Vera Cruz and Tampico heavily armed- San- tanna was at Saltillo some time ago and is probably at Matamoros before this- A storm is brewing, but il will be harmless if the people are united and come out at once for independence. There is no news of Williams, God knows what has become orhim- My health is much improved. I wish it had been as good in Texas-it might have been of service to lhe country if it had- There must be union and harmony and we must all go together, unanimously, in favor of independence. Send this to Perry and Grayson- Love to the ladies. Yours-S. F. A[ustin] Jan. 17. I have just heard that there was a mob at San Felipe headed by mosely Baker- Such a rumor has injured us here- What has that man to do with Texas, or what claims has he to confidence that he should have influence to raise a mob. Shame to Texas that such things should be- God poured upon Texas his most bitter wrath, when he suffered the last Monclova Legislature (of most infamous memory) to meet at all. Years will not relieve Texas from the evils produced by that legislature-this mob I fear is a paragraph in the long chapter of evils which the acts of that legislature has entailed on Texas. [Addressed:] Mr. Thos. F. McKinny Quintana Mouth of Brazos Texas [ 1801] [FILISOLA to SANTA ANNA] [Vicente Filisola to Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna, January 16, 1836, informing him that Lt. Col. Juan Cuevas would join Col. Ricardo Dromundo at Candela on January 13.] [1802] [GARZA Lo the PUBLIC] [Juan Nepomuceno de la Garza y Evia, Monterrey, to the Public, January 16, 1836, as Governor of Nuevo Leon, calling on the people to aid and assist Sanla Anna's army, now marching to Texas.]
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