have never laboured so intensely lo avert any calamity as this in my life, but in vain. The message of Ex. Gov. Smith lo the Council, in which he charges the council with the foulest corruption, & Exculssoling me. and the report, resolutions, and the Address of the Council lo the people of Texas, and my first message to the council, as acting Governor, will explain much more than 1 can write in one or many letters. I was only induced to act, under the firm belief that il was my duty by my vow of office of LL. Gov. to do so. The late Gov. and myself arc friends, but his assumptions of powers that I cannot adopt, but will brand with the [tornj. Save the Country, lcl men do as they may. lel that be the motto and all is safe. Be kind enough to write from time to time, as very little information has been recd. lately from Nacogodoches. With sentiments of great respect.
I am your obl. Svt. James W. Robinson
Col. Thos. J. Rusk
N.B. No member has yet appeared to supply the place of Mr. Parker from the municipality of Nacogdoches. You will do the Country a service by inducing some one to come soon.
Your friend J. W. Robinson
E. S. Con esta fha. digo al Sr. Grat. D. Jose Urrea lo que sigue. . "Ycniendo noticias que Ios Colonos sublevados en Tejas mlenlan apoderarse del Puerto de Matamoros y de introducir la revolucion por aquel rumbo; he dispueslo marche V.S. inmedia- lamtc con 250. D_ragoncs de los Rcgimienlos de Cuautla y Tampico p~rma_nenles, a~t,vos de Sn. Luis y auxiliares del Bajio, con d1rccc1on a la Cmdad de Matamoros a auxiliar su guarnicion que hasta ah_ora graduo reducicla e insuficiente, por Io mismo de tomor la ofcns1va. - Luego q llegue a Matamoros la Seccion de Yucatan compucsta de 330 infantcs a las orns. clel Tcniente Coronel D. Nicolas de la PorL!lla q11cclara c las de V.S. y proveycndo csta fuerza de calzado y de VJvcrcs para dos meses, pedira V.S. al Comandante pral. <lei Dcpartamcnlo de Tamaulipas D. Francisco Vital Fernan-
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